August 23 STATUS: Disengagement - Day Nine Diary
Last update - 20:23 23/08/2005
STATUS: Disengagement - Day Nine Diary
Disengagement timeline
Sa-Nur and Homesh evacuated Tuesday.
Sa-Nur - Evacuated, Tuesday 23 Aug 6 P.M.
Tuesday 23 Aug
3:08 P.M.: Activists pray silently surrounded by police. No physical contact between the two groups.
3:05 P.M.: Police spray tear gas at activists and storm roof.
2:55 P.M.: One container is taken back to the ground. Activists prevent the other container from landing on the roof with long polls.
2:50 P.M.: Police hoist two containers with anti-riot police to citadel's roof.
2:45 P.M.: Settlers deny they reached any agreement with the army to evacuate citadel's roof.
2:00 P.M.: Police prepare to be lifted onto citadel's roof.
11:40 A.M.: Troops remove activists from citadel.
11:10 A.M.: Troops prepare to evacuate citadel in settlement.
10:50 A.M.: Security forces negotiate with activists barricaded on roof of citadel in settlement.
10:30 A.M.: Three buses leave with evacuated settlers.
10:10 A.M.: Troops storm syngagogue, remove youths.
10:00 A.M: Security forces complete evacuation of tent city in settlement.
9:50 A.M.: Settlers board buses set to leave settlement.
9:10 A.M.: Police negotiation team deliberates with barricaded activists.
8:20 A.M.: Families with children begin leaving settlement.
7:35 A.M.: Activist pray their morning service behind barbed wire.
7:20 A.M.: Bulldozer tears down settlement gate.
7:10 A.M.: Security forces deploy around settlement in anti-riot gear.
Late afternoon: Settlers firebomb IDF bulldozer south of Sa-Nur.
Homesh - Evacuated, Tuesday 23 Aug 6 P.M.
Tuesday 23 Aug
2:30 P.M.: Disengagement foes throw paint at troops coming to evacuate a settlement home.
2:00 P.M.: Troops begin to remove activists from Torah hall.
1:45 P.M.: Troops enter Torah study hall, remove obstacles from its door.
1:30 P.M.: Troops cut through welded obstacles on windows of Torah study hall.
Activist attempts to stab a soldier, arrested.
11:40 A.M.: Police strom roof of synagogue where youths barricaded themselves in.
11:30 A.M.: Soldier lightly wounded by rock during evacuation of a settlement home.
10:30 A.M.: First bus with evacuated settlers leaves settlement.
8:20 A.M.: Several activists climb an antenna, use loudspeaker to call on forces to leave.
7:20 A.M.: Bulldozer tears down settlement gate.
Security forces deploy around settlement.
All residents have left voluntarily.
All residents have left voluntarily.
Atzmona - Evacuated, Sunday 21 Aug 7 P.M.
Morning: Family reveals a cardboard 'Cemetery of Oppressors' with one blank headstone.
After lengthy negotiations, Atzmona residents agree to evacuate by Sunday.
Bedolah - Evacuated, Wednesday 17 Aug 3 P.M.
3 P.M.: Synagogue cleared out.
Before 2 P.M.: Troops manage to enter Bedolah synagogue.
Morning: Residents attempt to block forces from entering.
Late morning: Forces successfully enter settlement to begin forced evacuation while most residents remain barricaded in the synagogue.
Residents set tires and at least two homes on fire.
Morning: Residents attempt to block forces from entering.
Dugit - Evacuated, Sunday, 21 Aug 10 A.M.
Afternoon hours: Bulldozers begin demolishing homes.
Elei Sinai - Evacuated, Sunday 21 Aug 9:15 P.M.
Yad Mordechai junction closed as settlers march northward.
9:15 P.M.:Settlers leave Elei Sinai, march toward border crossing.
1:35 P.M.: Security forces prepare to remove some 200 illegal infiltrators from settlement.
1:15 P.M.: Troops enter settlement to carry out its evacuation.
Some 30 families bolstered by dozens of recently arrived protesters, many of them from the Golan Heights.
Gadid - Evacuated, Friday 19 Aug 2 P.M.
1:20 P.M.: Forces complete evacuation of western neighborhood.
11:50 A.M.: Female protester falls off roof, probably slipped on oil poured by protesters.
11:30 A.M.: Protesters pour oil, throw rocks and rooftiles from rooftops on troops.
11:15 A.M.: Troops begin removal of protesters from home rooftops.
10:10 A.M: Forces enter synagogue to evacuate protesters refusing to leave settlement.
9:15 A.M.: First families leave settlement.
8:15 A.M.: Soldiers break through barricade at entrance to settlement, say evacuation will be complete by sundown.
2 P.M. : Last residents, protesters evacuated.
10:30 A.M.: Evacuation begins.
Gan Or Evacuated, Thursday 18 Aug 9 P.M.
7:15 P.M.: Synagogue completely evacuated, protesters led to buses.
5:30 P.M.: Security forces complete evacuation of homes, break into synagogue where 150 pullout foes and some settlers are barricaded.
3 P.M.: Hundreds of infiltrators, two resident families remain in Gan Or.
Early afternoon: Four houses set on fire.
Late morning: Evacuation begins.
Ganei Tal -- Evacuated, Wednesday 17 Aug 10:30 P.M.
9 P.M.: Two families remain.
1 P.M: 45 families remain, promise to evacuate after afternoon prayers.
By noon: 58 families voluntarily evacuate.
Settlers agree to evacuate voluntarily between 1 P.M.and 3 P.M.
Late morning: About 1,000 troops enter settlement to begin forced evacuation.
Katif -- Evacuated, Sunday, 21 Aug 6 P.M.
4:00 P.M.: Remaining residents board buses and private cars to leave
3:50 P.M.: Torah scrolls are removed from the synagogue as farewell ceremony ends
2:15 P.M.: Evacuating forces join settlers for farewell prayer service.
12:05 P.M.: Residents agree to leave settlement following a final prayer service.
11:45 A.M.: Troops begin evacuating settlers from their homes.
10:15 A.M.: Settlers torch a second barricade deeper in the settlement.
10:05 A.M.: Firefighters extinguish flames, bulldozers clear entrance of barricades.
9:50 A.M.: Settlers torch bales of hay at the entrance to the settlement, flames almost reach overhead electricity line.
9:40 A.M.: Security forces set to enter settlement.
Troops reach settlement before dawn, find gates locked. Residents plan to set fire to tires, rubbish at entrance.
Kerem Atzmona - Evacuated, Wednesday 17 Aug 3:15 P.M.
10:45 A.M.: Demolition of settlement begins.
Just after 2 P.M.: Troops begin evacuations by force.
Residents begin negotiations with troops, say they might leave after Saturday.
Early afternoon: Young residents begin throwing spikes and fire bombs at troops.
Late morning: Residents ask for cardboard packing boxes, which they set on fire.
Morning: Settlers promise to leave in the afternoon volunarily.
Kfar Darom - Evacuated, Thursday 18 Aug 9 P.M.
7:45 P.M.: Forces begin clear rooftop, lowering protesters in cages.
7:15 P.M.: Officer injured scaling rooftop when acid is thrown at him.
6:30 P.M.: Troops reach synagogue rooftop, attempt to cut through encircling barbed wire; protesters throw paint, sand and oil on troop, attempt to push shipping containers away with long sticks.
Protesters on rooftop begin negotiations with troops.
5:20 P.M.: First protesters removed from Kfar Darom synagogue.
5 P.M.: Troops break into synagoge, lift cages to rooftop to remove barricaded protesters.
Troops respond by firing water cannon at protesters.
4:45 P.M.: Protesters on rooftop throw paint, milk, eggs, and watermelons on surrounding troops.
Just before 2 P.M.: Troops complete evacuation of 80 percent of Kfar Darom houses.
Before 11 A.M.: Soldier at synagogue begins praying, refuses orders. Troops begin evacuating homes.
As refusenik is being evacuated by force, another soldier refuses orders.
Troops remove barricaded pullout opponents from Kfar Darom kindergarten.
Associated Press: Woman chases off soldier in Kfar Darom with a syringe she says is infected with AIDS.
10:15 A.M.: 72 pullout foes evacuated from factory.
Just before 10 A.M.: Troops begin evacuating 100 protesters from religious school for girls; protesters offer passive resistance.
Late morning: Settlers set fire to a bus, police extinguish blaze.
Police say those occupying the synagogue are all illegal infiltrators.
Early morning: Large IDF and police force enters settlement, surrounds synagogue with protesters barricaded inside and on the roof, where settlers use mirrors to try to blind soldiers.
Evacuation set to begin early afternoon.
65 families and 2,000 protesters barricade themselves with barbed wire.
Just after noon: Residents say that there is a possibility they will evacuate by Thursday.
Residents sabotage IDF D-9 bulldozers, cutting cables, piercing tires, and putting sugar in gas tanks.
Kfar Yam - Evacuated, Thursday 18 Aug 7 P.M.
7 P.M.: Right-wing extremist leader Aryeh Yitzhaki evacuates barricaded house with his son and an Israeli flag. He says, "I could have launched the second Masada in Shirat Hayam, but I decided to negotiate, so as to avoid loss of life."
6:30 P.M.: Forces begins dragging pullout foes from Yitzhaki's house, rooftop.
6:15 P.M.: Yitzhaki surrenders M-16 file and 2 handguns, forces break into his barricaded house.
4 P.M.: 10 youths march into sea, stand 20 meters from beach line and evacuating forces.
3 P.M.: Army backs away from mass barricade, Yitzhaki announces he will only shoot if troops fire first.
1 P.M.: Yitzhaki, holed up with 40 others, waves rifle, warns he will shoot approaching troops.
Late morning: Navy patrol boat positioned outside settlement in preparation for evacuation.
Evacuation set to begin early afternoon.
Morag - Evacuated, Wednesday 17 Aug 4 P.M.
2:30P.M.: 4 families remain.
By 1 P.M.: Five buses leave Morag.
Late morning: Residents agree to leave synagogue, army begins escorting settlers from barricade to evacuating buses, carrying many who refuse to walk willfully on their own.
Female soldier stabbed by protesting infiltrator with infusion needle, is lightly injured.
Mid-morning: Army enters settlement, forces its way into homes, arresting numerous protesters.
About 100 residents barricade themselves in synagogue for over an hour.
Netzarim - Evacuated, Monday 22 Aug 7 P.M.
4:40 P.M. Netzarim settlers begin boarding buses which will transport them to the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
4:38 P.M. Scuffle breaks out between settlers, police.
3:40 P.M.: Netzarim settlers end prayers, march in procession towards buses.
3:15 P.M.: Congregants remove Torah scrolls from synagogue in final prayer at Netzarim.
11:40 A.M.: IDF Chief of Staff Halutz arrives on the scene to track progression of the evacuation.
9:55 A.M.: Security forces enter settlement, expect peaceful evacuation.
Afternoon: Settlers and soldiers pray together in synagogue, prepare to evacuate last Gaza settlement.
Settlers announce they will leave without struggle on Monday.
Netzer Hazani - Evacuated, Thursday 18 Aug 3 P.M.
3 P.M.: Residents begin departing ceremony, after which they said they would leave the settlement.
12:30 P.M.: Residents setting fire to homes, gather in synagogue.
11:30 A.M.: Residents set fire to hothouses, throw stones, paint cans at forces.
11:20 A.M.: Residents burn tires.
11 A.M.: Residents barricade gate to prevent buses from leaving.
10:30 A.M.: Troops arrive at gates, dozens of buses await evacuees.
Mid-morning: Residents blocking the gate to the settlement.
Neveh Dekalim - Evacuated, Sunday 21 Aug 8:30 P.M.
12:15 P.M: Chief Rabbi of Gush Katif leaves settlement. Some 15 families remain.
6:45 P.M.: Men evacuated from synagogue, Torah scrolls removed.
6:15 P.M.: 150-200 women, 50 men still holed up in Kfar Darom synagogue compound.
6 P.M.: Six protesters slightly injured in Sephardic synagogue evacuation.
5 P.M: Troops break into Ashkenazic synagogue.
3 P.M.: Troops break into Neveh Dekalim Sephardic synagogue, protesters resist, throw plastic bottles, sit on floor with arms linked.
Soldier injured during evacuation of synagogue from mass congestion, shoving.
Four IDF troops carry Yesha Settlement council member from synagogue.
4:30 P.M.: Troops prepare to storm Ashkenazic synagogue, continue evacuation of Sephardic synagogue.
3:20 P.M. Pullout foes barricaded in synagogue given 10 minute ultimatum to evacuate.
2:30 P.M.: IDF extends deadline for pullout foes to leave synagogue.
Just before 1 P.M.: Police, Yesha chiefs agree to evacuate Neveh Dekalim synagogue.
IDF gives protesters barricaded in synagogue until early afternoon to leave or be forcible evacuated.
Several remaining residents set their houses on fire.
Protesters spill oil in entrance to synagogue to block evacuating forces.
11:45 A.M.: Shas chairman Eli Yishai chants with Yesha leaders.
Before 11 A.M.: Evacuation of synagogue, where 1,000-2,000 youths are holed up, begins.
Mid-morning: IDF attempts to evacuate remaining families.
IDF tells those barricaded in synagogue they can leave voluntarily after prayers at 10:30, after which troops will force their way in.
Throughout day: Hundreds of youths barricade themselves in synagogues.
8:00 P.M.: evacuation operations end for the night; 60 families (out of 460) remain along with many infiltrators.
1 P.M.: Troops have evacuated 158 homes.
IDF and settlement leaders strike a deal to postpone the evacuation of the synagogue until Thursday.
Protesters throw eggs and plastic bottles at troops.
Late morning: Settlers say they will leave at 4 P.M. when they conclude afternoon prayers.
Mid-morning: Three buses carrying arrestees, mostly non-residents, leave settlement.
Midnight: Nearly half of residents had left their homes.
Nissanit - Evacuated, Sunday 21 Aug 11 A.M.
Afternoon hours: Bulldozers begin demolishing settlement homes.
Pe'at Sadeh - Evacuated, Sunday 21 Aug 10 A.M.
Afternoon hours: Bulldozers begin demolishing settlement homes.
Rafiah Yam - Evacuated, Tuesday 16 Aug 4 p.m.
Shirat Hayam - Evacuated, Thursday 18 Aug 7:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.: Forces complete evacuation of third rooftop.
7:15 P.M.: Synagogue completely evacuated.
6:30 P.M.: Protesters evacuate nursery school without resistance.
6 P.M.: Troops complete evacuation of second rooftop.
Forces remove 10 women and girls barricaded on second rooftop.
5 P.M.: Troops clear out one barricaded rooftop, prepare for second.
IDF forces attempt to take over settlement public address system.
Troops march toward synagogue to break barricade.
A group of youths leave Shirat Hayam by raft, pursued by Navy boats.
Troops forcibly remove another ten pullout foes barricaded in house.
3 P.M.: First bus carrying residents and pullout foes leaves settlement.
2:30 P.M.: Buses enter Shirat Hayam, troops forcibly remove residents and pullout foes, dragging some to buses.
One extremist arrested for attempting to attack a soldier.
1:30 P.M.: Troops begin forced evacuation of settlement.
1:15 P.M.: IDF penatraters entrance gate, begins to head inside.
12:30 P.M.: Bulldozers removing barricades at entrance.
11:45 A.M.: Settlers go to Muasi neighborhood, throw rocks at Palestinians.
11:45 A.M.: Settlers torch barriade at entrance to settlement.
Protesters barricade entrance.
Evacuation set to begin early afternoon.
Slav - Evacuated, Sunday 21 Aug 1 P.M.
Tel Katifa - Evacuated, Wednesday 17 Aug 2:30 P.M.
Just after noon: Residents begin to voluntarily evacuate, many insist to be carried to buses by troops to demonstrate their opposition to leaving.
Late morning: Residents and army reach agreement on implementing evacuation without force.
Settlers organizing departing ceremony, preparing for orderly evacuation.
STATUS: Disengagement - Day Nine Diary
Disengagement timeline
Sa-Nur and Homesh evacuated Tuesday.
Sa-Nur - Evacuated, Tuesday 23 Aug 6 P.M.
Tuesday 23 Aug
3:08 P.M.: Activists pray silently surrounded by police. No physical contact between the two groups.
3:05 P.M.: Police spray tear gas at activists and storm roof.
2:55 P.M.: One container is taken back to the ground. Activists prevent the other container from landing on the roof with long polls.
2:50 P.M.: Police hoist two containers with anti-riot police to citadel's roof.
2:45 P.M.: Settlers deny they reached any agreement with the army to evacuate citadel's roof.
2:00 P.M.: Police prepare to be lifted onto citadel's roof.
11:40 A.M.: Troops remove activists from citadel.
11:10 A.M.: Troops prepare to evacuate citadel in settlement.
10:50 A.M.: Security forces negotiate with activists barricaded on roof of citadel in settlement.
10:30 A.M.: Three buses leave with evacuated settlers.
10:10 A.M.: Troops storm syngagogue, remove youths.
10:00 A.M: Security forces complete evacuation of tent city in settlement.
9:50 A.M.: Settlers board buses set to leave settlement.
9:10 A.M.: Police negotiation team deliberates with barricaded activists.
8:20 A.M.: Families with children begin leaving settlement.
7:35 A.M.: Activist pray their morning service behind barbed wire.
7:20 A.M.: Bulldozer tears down settlement gate.
7:10 A.M.: Security forces deploy around settlement in anti-riot gear.
Late afternoon: Settlers firebomb IDF bulldozer south of Sa-Nur.
Homesh - Evacuated, Tuesday 23 Aug 6 P.M.
Tuesday 23 Aug
2:30 P.M.: Disengagement foes throw paint at troops coming to evacuate a settlement home.
2:00 P.M.: Troops begin to remove activists from Torah hall.
1:45 P.M.: Troops enter Torah study hall, remove obstacles from its door.
1:30 P.M.: Troops cut through welded obstacles on windows of Torah study hall.
Activist attempts to stab a soldier, arrested.
11:40 A.M.: Police strom roof of synagogue where youths barricaded themselves in.
11:30 A.M.: Soldier lightly wounded by rock during evacuation of a settlement home.
10:30 A.M.: First bus with evacuated settlers leaves settlement.
8:20 A.M.: Several activists climb an antenna, use loudspeaker to call on forces to leave.
7:20 A.M.: Bulldozer tears down settlement gate.
Security forces deploy around settlement.
All residents have left voluntarily.
All residents have left voluntarily.
Atzmona - Evacuated, Sunday 21 Aug 7 P.M.
Morning: Family reveals a cardboard 'Cemetery of Oppressors' with one blank headstone.
After lengthy negotiations, Atzmona residents agree to evacuate by Sunday.
Bedolah - Evacuated, Wednesday 17 Aug 3 P.M.
3 P.M.: Synagogue cleared out.
Before 2 P.M.: Troops manage to enter Bedolah synagogue.
Morning: Residents attempt to block forces from entering.
Late morning: Forces successfully enter settlement to begin forced evacuation while most residents remain barricaded in the synagogue.
Residents set tires and at least two homes on fire.
Morning: Residents attempt to block forces from entering.
Dugit - Evacuated, Sunday, 21 Aug 10 A.M.
Afternoon hours: Bulldozers begin demolishing homes.
Elei Sinai - Evacuated, Sunday 21 Aug 9:15 P.M.
Yad Mordechai junction closed as settlers march northward.
9:15 P.M.:Settlers leave Elei Sinai, march toward border crossing.
1:35 P.M.: Security forces prepare to remove some 200 illegal infiltrators from settlement.
1:15 P.M.: Troops enter settlement to carry out its evacuation.
Some 30 families bolstered by dozens of recently arrived protesters, many of them from the Golan Heights.
Gadid - Evacuated, Friday 19 Aug 2 P.M.
1:20 P.M.: Forces complete evacuation of western neighborhood.
11:50 A.M.: Female protester falls off roof, probably slipped on oil poured by protesters.
11:30 A.M.: Protesters pour oil, throw rocks and rooftiles from rooftops on troops.
11:15 A.M.: Troops begin removal of protesters from home rooftops.
10:10 A.M: Forces enter synagogue to evacuate protesters refusing to leave settlement.
9:15 A.M.: First families leave settlement.
8:15 A.M.: Soldiers break through barricade at entrance to settlement, say evacuation will be complete by sundown.
2 P.M. : Last residents, protesters evacuated.
10:30 A.M.: Evacuation begins.
Gan Or Evacuated, Thursday 18 Aug 9 P.M.
7:15 P.M.: Synagogue completely evacuated, protesters led to buses.
5:30 P.M.: Security forces complete evacuation of homes, break into synagogue where 150 pullout foes and some settlers are barricaded.
3 P.M.: Hundreds of infiltrators, two resident families remain in Gan Or.
Early afternoon: Four houses set on fire.
Late morning: Evacuation begins.
Ganei Tal -- Evacuated, Wednesday 17 Aug 10:30 P.M.
9 P.M.: Two families remain.
1 P.M: 45 families remain, promise to evacuate after afternoon prayers.
By noon: 58 families voluntarily evacuate.
Settlers agree to evacuate voluntarily between 1 P.M.and 3 P.M.
Late morning: About 1,000 troops enter settlement to begin forced evacuation.
Katif -- Evacuated, Sunday, 21 Aug 6 P.M.
4:00 P.M.: Remaining residents board buses and private cars to leave
3:50 P.M.: Torah scrolls are removed from the synagogue as farewell ceremony ends
2:15 P.M.: Evacuating forces join settlers for farewell prayer service.
12:05 P.M.: Residents agree to leave settlement following a final prayer service.
11:45 A.M.: Troops begin evacuating settlers from their homes.
10:15 A.M.: Settlers torch a second barricade deeper in the settlement.
10:05 A.M.: Firefighters extinguish flames, bulldozers clear entrance of barricades.
9:50 A.M.: Settlers torch bales of hay at the entrance to the settlement, flames almost reach overhead electricity line.
9:40 A.M.: Security forces set to enter settlement.
Troops reach settlement before dawn, find gates locked. Residents plan to set fire to tires, rubbish at entrance.
Kerem Atzmona - Evacuated, Wednesday 17 Aug 3:15 P.M.
10:45 A.M.: Demolition of settlement begins.
Just after 2 P.M.: Troops begin evacuations by force.
Residents begin negotiations with troops, say they might leave after Saturday.
Early afternoon: Young residents begin throwing spikes and fire bombs at troops.
Late morning: Residents ask for cardboard packing boxes, which they set on fire.
Morning: Settlers promise to leave in the afternoon volunarily.
Kfar Darom - Evacuated, Thursday 18 Aug 9 P.M.
7:45 P.M.: Forces begin clear rooftop, lowering protesters in cages.
7:15 P.M.: Officer injured scaling rooftop when acid is thrown at him.
6:30 P.M.: Troops reach synagogue rooftop, attempt to cut through encircling barbed wire; protesters throw paint, sand and oil on troop, attempt to push shipping containers away with long sticks.
Protesters on rooftop begin negotiations with troops.
5:20 P.M.: First protesters removed from Kfar Darom synagogue.
5 P.M.: Troops break into synagoge, lift cages to rooftop to remove barricaded protesters.
Troops respond by firing water cannon at protesters.
4:45 P.M.: Protesters on rooftop throw paint, milk, eggs, and watermelons on surrounding troops.
Just before 2 P.M.: Troops complete evacuation of 80 percent of Kfar Darom houses.
Before 11 A.M.: Soldier at synagogue begins praying, refuses orders. Troops begin evacuating homes.
As refusenik is being evacuated by force, another soldier refuses orders.
Troops remove barricaded pullout opponents from Kfar Darom kindergarten.
Associated Press: Woman chases off soldier in Kfar Darom with a syringe she says is infected with AIDS.
10:15 A.M.: 72 pullout foes evacuated from factory.
Just before 10 A.M.: Troops begin evacuating 100 protesters from religious school for girls; protesters offer passive resistance.
Late morning: Settlers set fire to a bus, police extinguish blaze.
Police say those occupying the synagogue are all illegal infiltrators.
Early morning: Large IDF and police force enters settlement, surrounds synagogue with protesters barricaded inside and on the roof, where settlers use mirrors to try to blind soldiers.
Evacuation set to begin early afternoon.
65 families and 2,000 protesters barricade themselves with barbed wire.
Just after noon: Residents say that there is a possibility they will evacuate by Thursday.
Residents sabotage IDF D-9 bulldozers, cutting cables, piercing tires, and putting sugar in gas tanks.
Kfar Yam - Evacuated, Thursday 18 Aug 7 P.M.
7 P.M.: Right-wing extremist leader Aryeh Yitzhaki evacuates barricaded house with his son and an Israeli flag. He says, "I could have launched the second Masada in Shirat Hayam, but I decided to negotiate, so as to avoid loss of life."
6:30 P.M.: Forces begins dragging pullout foes from Yitzhaki's house, rooftop.
6:15 P.M.: Yitzhaki surrenders M-16 file and 2 handguns, forces break into his barricaded house.
4 P.M.: 10 youths march into sea, stand 20 meters from beach line and evacuating forces.
3 P.M.: Army backs away from mass barricade, Yitzhaki announces he will only shoot if troops fire first.
1 P.M.: Yitzhaki, holed up with 40 others, waves rifle, warns he will shoot approaching troops.
Late morning: Navy patrol boat positioned outside settlement in preparation for evacuation.
Evacuation set to begin early afternoon.
Morag - Evacuated, Wednesday 17 Aug 4 P.M.
2:30P.M.: 4 families remain.
By 1 P.M.: Five buses leave Morag.
Late morning: Residents agree to leave synagogue, army begins escorting settlers from barricade to evacuating buses, carrying many who refuse to walk willfully on their own.
Female soldier stabbed by protesting infiltrator with infusion needle, is lightly injured.
Mid-morning: Army enters settlement, forces its way into homes, arresting numerous protesters.
About 100 residents barricade themselves in synagogue for over an hour.
Netzarim - Evacuated, Monday 22 Aug 7 P.M.
4:40 P.M. Netzarim settlers begin boarding buses which will transport them to the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
4:38 P.M. Scuffle breaks out between settlers, police.
3:40 P.M.: Netzarim settlers end prayers, march in procession towards buses.
3:15 P.M.: Congregants remove Torah scrolls from synagogue in final prayer at Netzarim.
11:40 A.M.: IDF Chief of Staff Halutz arrives on the scene to track progression of the evacuation.
9:55 A.M.: Security forces enter settlement, expect peaceful evacuation.
Afternoon: Settlers and soldiers pray together in synagogue, prepare to evacuate last Gaza settlement.
Settlers announce they will leave without struggle on Monday.
Netzer Hazani - Evacuated, Thursday 18 Aug 3 P.M.
3 P.M.: Residents begin departing ceremony, after which they said they would leave the settlement.
12:30 P.M.: Residents setting fire to homes, gather in synagogue.
11:30 A.M.: Residents set fire to hothouses, throw stones, paint cans at forces.
11:20 A.M.: Residents burn tires.
11 A.M.: Residents barricade gate to prevent buses from leaving.
10:30 A.M.: Troops arrive at gates, dozens of buses await evacuees.
Mid-morning: Residents blocking the gate to the settlement.
Neveh Dekalim - Evacuated, Sunday 21 Aug 8:30 P.M.
12:15 P.M: Chief Rabbi of Gush Katif leaves settlement. Some 15 families remain.
6:45 P.M.: Men evacuated from synagogue, Torah scrolls removed.
6:15 P.M.: 150-200 women, 50 men still holed up in Kfar Darom synagogue compound.
6 P.M.: Six protesters slightly injured in Sephardic synagogue evacuation.
5 P.M: Troops break into Ashkenazic synagogue.
3 P.M.: Troops break into Neveh Dekalim Sephardic synagogue, protesters resist, throw plastic bottles, sit on floor with arms linked.
Soldier injured during evacuation of synagogue from mass congestion, shoving.
Four IDF troops carry Yesha Settlement council member from synagogue.
4:30 P.M.: Troops prepare to storm Ashkenazic synagogue, continue evacuation of Sephardic synagogue.
3:20 P.M. Pullout foes barricaded in synagogue given 10 minute ultimatum to evacuate.
2:30 P.M.: IDF extends deadline for pullout foes to leave synagogue.
Just before 1 P.M.: Police, Yesha chiefs agree to evacuate Neveh Dekalim synagogue.
IDF gives protesters barricaded in synagogue until early afternoon to leave or be forcible evacuated.
Several remaining residents set their houses on fire.
Protesters spill oil in entrance to synagogue to block evacuating forces.
11:45 A.M.: Shas chairman Eli Yishai chants with Yesha leaders.
Before 11 A.M.: Evacuation of synagogue, where 1,000-2,000 youths are holed up, begins.
Mid-morning: IDF attempts to evacuate remaining families.
IDF tells those barricaded in synagogue they can leave voluntarily after prayers at 10:30, after which troops will force their way in.
Throughout day: Hundreds of youths barricade themselves in synagogues.
8:00 P.M.: evacuation operations end for the night; 60 families (out of 460) remain along with many infiltrators.
1 P.M.: Troops have evacuated 158 homes.
IDF and settlement leaders strike a deal to postpone the evacuation of the synagogue until Thursday.
Protesters throw eggs and plastic bottles at troops.
Late morning: Settlers say they will leave at 4 P.M. when they conclude afternoon prayers.
Mid-morning: Three buses carrying arrestees, mostly non-residents, leave settlement.
Midnight: Nearly half of residents had left their homes.
Nissanit - Evacuated, Sunday 21 Aug 11 A.M.
Afternoon hours: Bulldozers begin demolishing settlement homes.
Pe'at Sadeh - Evacuated, Sunday 21 Aug 10 A.M.
Afternoon hours: Bulldozers begin demolishing settlement homes.
Rafiah Yam - Evacuated, Tuesday 16 Aug 4 p.m.
Shirat Hayam - Evacuated, Thursday 18 Aug 7:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.: Forces complete evacuation of third rooftop.
7:15 P.M.: Synagogue completely evacuated.
6:30 P.M.: Protesters evacuate nursery school without resistance.
6 P.M.: Troops complete evacuation of second rooftop.
Forces remove 10 women and girls barricaded on second rooftop.
5 P.M.: Troops clear out one barricaded rooftop, prepare for second.
IDF forces attempt to take over settlement public address system.
Troops march toward synagogue to break barricade.
A group of youths leave Shirat Hayam by raft, pursued by Navy boats.
Troops forcibly remove another ten pullout foes barricaded in house.
3 P.M.: First bus carrying residents and pullout foes leaves settlement.
2:30 P.M.: Buses enter Shirat Hayam, troops forcibly remove residents and pullout foes, dragging some to buses.
One extremist arrested for attempting to attack a soldier.
1:30 P.M.: Troops begin forced evacuation of settlement.
1:15 P.M.: IDF penatraters entrance gate, begins to head inside.
12:30 P.M.: Bulldozers removing barricades at entrance.
11:45 A.M.: Settlers go to Muasi neighborhood, throw rocks at Palestinians.
11:45 A.M.: Settlers torch barriade at entrance to settlement.
Protesters barricade entrance.
Evacuation set to begin early afternoon.
Slav - Evacuated, Sunday 21 Aug 1 P.M.
Tel Katifa - Evacuated, Wednesday 17 Aug 2:30 P.M.
Just after noon: Residents begin to voluntarily evacuate, many insist to be carried to buses by troops to demonstrate their opposition to leaving.
Late morning: Residents and army reach agreement on implementing evacuation without force.
Settlers organizing departing ceremony, preparing for orderly evacuation.
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